Call for Abstracts
We are looking forward to your exciting work on dynamic behaviour of materials and its applications. Please feel free to submit your abstract via the external page Abstract Submission Portal
Authors may use the following Download Abstract template (DOCX, 20 KB).
Important: Please include a DOI link to your relevant journal papers in your abstract. In case you submitted a manuscript to our Special Issue in IJIE (see below), please cite it as “submitted”, “under revision” or “in press”.
Your abstract will be evaluated by the DYMAT governing board. You will be informed about the possible acceptance for oral or poster presentation on May 30, 2024. All accepted abstracts will be included in a Conference Abstract Booklet.
Special Issue in the International Journal of Impact Engineering
Different from previous conferences, there will be no conference proceedings published for DYMAT 2024. Instead, authors with accepted abstracts have the opportunity to contribute a full paper to a external page special issue to be published in the external page International Journal of Impact Engineering.
All submissions to the International Journal of Impact Engineering will undergo the journal’s regular peer-reviewing process managed by Prof. Magnus Langseth (Editor-in-Chief) and Profs. Nadia Bahlouli, Pascal Forquin and Dirk Mohr (Guest Editors).
You may submit your paper to IJIE before receiving the decision on your conference abstract on May 30, 2024. In the unlikely event that your submission to the special issue will be accepted, while your conference abstract has been rejected, your IJIE paper will appear in a regular journal issue.
Submissions will still be possible after the conference until Dec 15, 2024. All accepted IJIE papers will be published online immediately after their acceptance.